January 21st, 2023


Words and photos by Patrick Le

At the tail end of last year, Jonathan Ng aka EDEN, released his third full length album, “ICYMI.” Starting off the new year strong, the experimental artist stopped by in Dallas, TX at the House of Blues.

EDEN performing at the House of Blues

The last time I had seen EDEN was a little over 6 years ago, at the same venue, but the only difference was that he was performing upstairs in the smaller capacity room. As I have been following the artist since then, seeing the growth in his unique sound and overall aesthetic I was beyond stoked to finally see EDEN again.

Starting the set off with Closer 2 off ICMYI, the energy was immediately brought to the venue as the haze machines and strobes went off. I was utterly impressed by the amount of effort put into the entire production of this set, as the harmony of all of the visuals and audio aspects of the show just worked. Coming out on stage in a full track suit and helmet, you could see the POV from the helmet projected onto the screen in the back of the stage. This just added so much more the experience and not just labeling it as a normal concert. You could really tell how much they thought about everything.

As the set went by with songs from his other two albums, I was still in awe with the use of lasers and strobes that synchronized with beat drops and song transitions.

With the set coming to a close, an encore was initiated by the crowd (rightfully so), and EDEN came back to finish off the set by transitioning from Rock + Roll into Fumes.

We want to thank EDEN’s team for allowing us to start off 2023 right, and can’t wait for what the rest of the year has in store for iso as a publication!




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